Increase partner engagement and boost indirect sales with the ESIS brand world
The ESIS brand world is a digital shop-in-shop solution that allows for customized and sales-promoting product presentation. Companies can manage their product content across all shops, ensuring a consistent brand image. This not only increases partner engagement but also boosts indirect sales. Further information on complex products in the ESIS brand world helps customers make more informed purchasing decisions, increasing customer satisfaction and building trust in the brand.
Convince your customers with great product information and secure a competitive advantage
The visibility of your brand is crucial for success in the market. To increase your presence among retailers as well as in the digital space, we offer you the opportunity to manage your product content across all shops. Through professional product presentation in online shops, you can bring your brand directly to the end customer and boost sales. You have full control over the presentation of your products and can address the needs of your target audience.
Advantages of the ESIS brand shop
The ESIS brand shop offers an effective way to reach customers during the purchase decision-making process and bring your products directly to end consumers. You benefit from complete and relevant product information that optimizes the buying experience and facilitates purchase decisions. By using the ESIS brand shop, you can increase partner engagement and indirect sales while reducing bounce rates and increasing conversion rates by targeting customers and providing them with all the relevant information. Improving brand consistency is another advantage of the ESIS brand shop. By ensuring a consistent brand presentation across all channels, you create trust and strengthen the brand image.
The brand world for your online shop.
The esis brand world offers you the opportunity to integrate products of a brand into your online shop without having to worry about maintenance. Your customers stay in your shop as links only take place within the webshop. This ensures a seamless shopping experience without any drop-offs to the brand's website. The brand world also offers you the possibility to provide high-quality product information to increase conversions and reduce returns. With high product quality and detailed descriptions, you gain the trust of your customers and can build long-term customer relationships.
Start with the best Content Syndication software.
Do you want to increase your add-to-cart rates and expand your brand presence? Then esis Brand World is the best content syndication software for you! As an online retailer, you have many options available, but it's important to keep your individual business requirements in mind. With esis Brand World, you can syndicate brand content on product pages, use a content creation service, utilize a content matching mechanism, provide mobile-optimized content, and utilize content analytics.
Product contents directly from the brand manufacturer!
Take advantage of the opportunity to present your customers with product content directly from the brand manufacturer. This allows you to delight your customers with high-quality text, images, and videos and enhance the shopping experience on your online shop. By directly integrating brand content, you can reduce bounce rates on your online shop and increase the conversion rate. Complete and relevant product information helps your customers make better purchasing decisions and strengthens their trust in your brand.
Benefits for the retailer
Complete product information reduces bounce rates to the brand website. By providing customers with all necessary information about your products, you reduce the likelihood that they will have to go to the brand website. Targeted product content that seamlessly integrates into the brand's layout improves the quality of your product pages. When customers receive detailed and relevant product information, they are more likely to make a purchase. Your customers expect answers to all questions about a product. Comprehensive product information can exceed your customers' expectations. Customers who find all the answers they are looking for are more satisfied and more likely to make a purchase from you.  
Bring your product content to the product detail page of your retailers.
Branding is a crucial factor in the success of a business. To protect the brand image and ensure brand consistency, it is important that product content is correct and up-to-date everywhere. By distributing product content strategically, brands and manufacturers can ensure that their products are quickly and easily found by potential customers.
Strengthen your brand on retailer websites.
Increase Your Add-to-Cart Rates and Enhance Your Brand Presence with the world's leading provider of content syndication. Exceptional Product Detail Pages By providing customers in your retail e-commerce channel with feature-rich information, we increase conversion rates and reduce product returns. Increase customer confidence, boost add-to-cart rates, and differentiate yourself from competitors through interactive and compelling experiences.
Don't lose customers due to poor product information.
For online retailers, it is crucial to provide their customers with the best possible shopping experience. An important component of this is clear, comprehensive, and detailed product information on the website. Unfortunately, many retailers neglect this aspect and thereby lose potential customers. One way to solve this problem is by providing enriched product detail pages. In this case, customers are provided with contextual and functional information about the products. This not only increases the likelihood of purchase but also reduces the number of returns.  
Effective product communication in e-commerce: Why content syndication is indispensable.
To be successful as a brand in e-commerce, effective product communication is essential. Content syndication plays an important role in this. It allows for efficient management and distribution of product information across all online shops. With a brand shop, you can showcase your products directly on the retailer's website, bringing your brand directly to the end customer. It is important that all relevant information about your products is available to support customers in their purchase decisions. Supplementary and additional information about complex products is especially important. A comprehensive presentation of product information helps potential customers better understand how your product works and what benefits it offers.
Automated Data Integration through API: It's as easy as that!
Data is at the heart of e-commerce. Whether it's product descriptions, images, or prices, customers cannot make informed purchasing decisions without accurate and complete information. A central database is essential to ensure the quality of the data and enable efficient maintenance. But how do the data from different sources get into this central database? One option is manual data entry or importing through CSV files. However, this can be very tedious and time-consuming for large quantities of products. Another option is the automated population of the database through an API interface.
Optimize your marketing on retailer shops.
Controlling and standardizing the presentation of your products across all sales channels is a crucial factor in positioning your brand for success. With our system, you can centrally manage your product content and ensure consistent brand presence across all customer touchpoints. The system offers the flexibility to choose on which sales platforms you want to showcase your products. This ensures that your product content is available in the desired shops and reaches your customers during their buying decision.
Improve the customer experience in your shop.
Product content syndication is a proven way for retailers to increase customer engagement. In fact, buyers are 34% more likely to add a product to their cart after watching a product video. The provided content optimizes product detail pages (PDPs) for conversions, simplifies content integration processes, and always displays the latest product content directly from the brands you carry.
The top 3 reasons for the esis brand world
Reaching customers at the moment of purchase decision can boost online sales. Optimizing product presentation can increase conversion rates. An optimized product presentation can also help reduce bounce rates.
Increase sales with customer reviews.
Customer reviews have become an important factor when it comes to making purchasing decisions. Online platforms such as Google, Amazon, and Tripadvisor have become important sources of information for customers. According to a study by Bitkom Research, 82% of online shoppers read customer reviews before making a purchase decision. For businesses, this means they should keep an eye on their reputation and online presence. Customer reviews are therefore an important indicator of a company's success. A high number of positive reviews can help a company be perceived by potential customers as trustworthy and reliable. Conversely, a negative review profile can quickly erode customer trust. Therefore, it is important for companies to strive to provide optimal service and always encourage their customers to share their positive experiences online. Active communication with customers can help solve problems before they lead to negative reviews. But what happens when a negative review does arrive?

Contact us

Do you want to give your brand or retailer store more visibility and reach? Then get in touch with us!

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+43 1 956 25 17